African Solidarity for Democracy and Independence

The African Solidarity for Democracy and Independence (Solidarité Africaine pour la Démocratie et l'Indépendance) is a left-wing political party in Mali. It was founded by Cheick Oumar Sissoko and Oumar Mariko in 1996;[1] Sissoko is the party's President and Mariko is its Secretary-General, the top post in the party.[2] The party is Pan-Africanist in ideology, is affiliated internationally with the ICS, a Communist grouping organised by the Workers Party of Belgium,[3][4] and is in part an outgrowth of the 1991 demonstrations against the military rule of President Moussa Traoré. Mariko was head of the Association of Students and Pupils of Mali (AEEM) during the 1991 protest movement which overthrew the government.[5] The party's 2007 platform focused upon its opposition to the privatisation of state industries.[6] The party had four Deputies elected to the National Assembly of Mali in 2007, and it is highly critical of the ruling coalition of Malian President Amadou Toumani Touré.


2002 elections

The party held its first ordinary congress in March 2002, at which Mariko was chosen as its candidate for the April 2002 presidential election.[7] In this election, Mariko took 12th place with 0.88% of the vote. In the July 2002 parliamentary election, the party won six out of 147 seats.[1][8] After this, Sissoko joined the government as Minister of Culture, although Mariko opposed this move.[1]

2007 elections

The party's second ordinary congress was held in Koutiala in December 2006, at which it was decided to nominate a candidate for the April 2007 presidential election at a national conference on February 23–24 2007.[9] Mariko was again chosen as the party's presidential candidate at this conference.[2] In the April election, he took fourth place with 2.72% of the vote.[8]

SADI won four out of 147 seats in the July 2007 parliamentary election.[10]

Death of activist

A local secretary-general of SADI, Youssouf Dembélé, was found dead on August 12, 2007, in what the party described as an assassination.[11]

2007 coalitions

SADI's second national conference will take place in Bamako on September 8–9 2007. A major issue at stake is whether the party will continue to participate in the government, with Mariko's supporters opposed to it, believing it to be incompatible with the party's views, and others feeling that the party can be more effective as part of the government.[12]

When parliamentary groups in the new National Assembly were created in September 2007, SADI formed a parliamentary group with the Party for National Rebirth (PARENA).[13]


  1. ^ a b c La faiblesse de l'État nous laisse une place pour imposer des alternatives, Benito Perez, Le Courrier, December 19, 2006 (French).
  2. ^ a b Présidentielle 2007 : Oumar Mariko, porte-étendard de SADI, L'Essor, February 27, 2007 (French).
  3. ^ Leftist Parties of the World:Mali. Update: July 24, 2004
  4. ^ International Communist Seminar (Brussels): International Communist Movement / Workers Party of Belgium
  5. ^ Malian opposition party urges CNDD not to yield to AU pressure. PanAfrican Press, 7 January 2009.
  7. ^ Congrès: Oumar Mariko défendra le projet "SADI" aux Présidentielles, L'Essor, March 12, 2002 (French).
  8. ^ a b Elections in Mali, African Elections Database (English).
  9. ^ 2è congrès ordinaire du SADI : Le parti ira à la Présidentielle 2007, L'Essor, December 27, 2006 (French).
  10. ^ Mali : Résultats définitifs des Législatives — l'Adéma/PASJ perd dans trois localités, Les Echos (, August 13, 2007 (French).
  11. ^ Malian opposition party alleges leader was assassinated, African Press Agency, August 13, 2007 (English).
  12. ^ SADI: Débats houleux autour de la participation au prochain gouvernement, Issa Fakaba Sissoko, L'indicateur Renouveau (, September 5, 2007 (French).
  13. ^ "Assemblée nationale : huit groupes parlementaires constitués", L'Essor, n°16038, September 24, 2007 (French).